Saturday, 5. 9. 2015

25th Conference of Alzheimer Europe

In the cultural and congress centre Cankarjev dom, from 2 to 4 September 2015, the 25th Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe was organised by Alzheimer Europe and Spomničica – Slovenian Association for Help with Dementia.

The topic of the conference was »Dementia: Putting Strategies and Research into Practice«, and was dedicated to Dr Aleš Kogoj, a pioneer and leading expert in the field of dementia in Slovenia and the founder of Spomničica (Forget-me-not) – Slovenian Association for Help with Dementia.

In case of dementia the patient is not the only one suffering, namely, the family members are also under a lot of strain. For help and information you can turn to the Slovenian Association for Help with Dementia – Spominčica, Alzheimer Slovenia, whose program is co-financed by the City of Ljubljana through a public tender procedure for co-financing of programmes and/or projects in the field of social and health protection.

You are also invited to sign the Glasgow declaration. By signing the Glasgow declaration individuals or organisations commit themselves to supporting the rights, dignity and autonomy of people with dementia. The declaration is also calling upon the European Commission, members of the European Parliament, state governments and the international community to acknowledge their role in recognising dementia as a problem that has to become a public health priority and in ensuring the respect of rights of dementia patients, as well as to start forming a European strategy for dementia and strategies for dementia in individual states.

Since the beginning the City of Ljubljana has been advocating the commitments stated in the declaration and supports its calls to adopt appropriate measures at national and European level alike. You can show your support for the declaration by signing it on-line on the web page