Citizens: friendly cities – cities for all
The meeting of the European project CitiZENs: Friendly Cities – Cities for All (Lifelong education, Grundtvig – Learning Partnerships) took place in Ljubljana Town Hall on 18 June, 2014.
The Education Research Institute asked the City of Ljubljana to participate in the execution of the final partners meeting in the European project CitiZENs: Friendly Cities – Cities for All (Lifelong education, Grundtvig – Learning Partnerships), under which they, together with the representatives from eight countries (Italy, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria and Great Britain), discuss “the use of public places as participatory, inclusive and educational environments.”
Within this meeting, two departments also presented their activities, the Department of Pre-school learning and Education in the field of education and the Department for Health and Social Security in the field of age-friendly environments. These were followed by the presentations of activities of RogLab, Young Dragons (Mladi Zmaji) and the ProstoRož association. A visit to the Family Centre Mala Ulica and Daily Centre of Activities for Seniors (Dnevni center aktivnosti za starejše) took place after the previously mentioned presentations and a short debate.
Details regarding the project may be found here.