City of Ljubljana Welcomes the Marriage and Family Relations Act Amendment
The passing of the Marriage and Family Relations Act amendment by the Parliament will put an end to the systematic discrimination, which withheld the equal rights of same-sex partnerships.
Ljubljana is a city with respect for diversity, which was proven on several occasions. Those who are vulnerable due to this or that personal circumstance should have special attention. One of them is those who still remain a target of non-understanding, prejudice and injustice due to their sexual orientation or expression. The LGBT community is still dealing with embarrassments, problems and discrimination, which is mostly unnoticed by the heterosexuals, as they take issues for granted from their viewpoint (e.g. partners, children).
The City of Ljubljana as a local community has taken one step further from the legally obliged. We have organised two larger projects on raising awareness. Joined by the LGBT organisations and professionals we have published the Rainbow Ljubljana booklet in the end of 2013, which includes information on the LGBT activities in Ljubljana and Slovenia, and last year, we have introduced the LGBT-friendly certificate to raise awareness of employees and service users.
The City of Ljubljana is a member of the international Rainbow Cities Network, which proves the endeavours and activities in this area have been noticed outside our borders.
We believe these small steps contribute to systematic movements.