Friday, 16. 6. 2023

CoFarm4Cities project

The City of Ljubljana is part of the European project CoFarm4Cities2.

Central European cities are witnessing increasing market pressure on land use due to urbanization, especially in peri-urban agricultural areas, causing biodiversity loss and threatening soil fertility and food systems. In parallel, we are witnessing an increase in the residents' demand for arable urban land, which is also reflected in the popularity of community gardens/allotments. Cities are also turning to new land use approaches due to the ramifications of climate change.

Based on the analysis of good practices, the partners of the CoFarm4Cities project will develop five different possible urban farming scenarios (model), which will then be tested in five cities: Ljubljana, Zagreb, Turin, Warsaw and Budapest. The pilots will also involve various stakeholders on the supply and demand side as well as decision-makers at all levels.

In addition to the model, the result of the project will also be action plans, which will determine the steps and measures for urban agriculture in the partner cities. The aim of the action plans is to limit urban sprawl and ensure healthy local food, thus contributing to the transition to sustainable food systems (following the Farm to Fork Strategy).

In Ljubljana, as part of the CoFarm4Cities project, we will prepare an assessment of the potential of urban agriculture and a catalogue of existing good practices. Together with the DOVES association, we will also develop a learning model that will familiarize elementary school students with the path of food from its production on a farm to preparing food at schools, preventing food wastage and composting. In addition, we will also set up a special learning training ground in the allotment area of Rakova jelša, where we will carry out various educational activities for primary schools.

Basic information about the project:

Duration of the project: 1. 4. 2023–31. 3. 2026
Estimated value of the project (all partners): 2,241,514.39 EUR
Co-financing by the EU (City of Ljubljana): 285,242.72 EUR
Co-financing by the EU (all partners): 1,793,211.51 EUR
Level of co-financing from EU funds: 80%

Project partners:

Lead partner: Budapest Főváros III. Kerület Óbuda-Békásmegyer Önkormányzat, Hungary
Mestna občina Ljubljana, Slovenia
Društvo DOVES, Slovenia
Grad Zagreb, Gradski ured za gospodarstvo, ekološku održivost i strategijsko planiranje, Croatia
Institut za cirkularnu ekonomiju, Croatia
Comune di Torino, Italy
Gmina Miejska Kraków, Poland
Óbudai Egyetem, Hungary