Thursday, 13. 12. 2018

Comprehensive Transport Strategy – a new innovative strategic document of the Ljubljana Urban Region

The Ljubljana Urban Region developed the first comprehensive transport strategy at the level of the whole development region. It is an innovative strategic document deriving from actual needs of the region as a whole and reacting to its concrete challenges in the field of sustainable mobility.

The main aim of the measures included in the action plan is to raise the quality of life with an emphasis on decreasing the use of personal vehicles, promoting the use of public transport and nonmotorized means of transport, decreasing the high levels of emissions and noise in traffic and reducing traffic congestions.

The municipalities of the Ljubljana Urban Region, aware that mobility challenges demand a long-term perspective and that they can be solved only with joint effort and cooperation of all municipalities and key stakeholders, recognised that sustainable mobility is one of their priority development tasks already in 2007 when they jointly started preparing an expert basis to manage public traffic in the region. In the past decade numerous activities were directed into finding solutions for accessible, quick, efficient, safe, clean and economically acceptable traffic which is absolutely necessary for the region to develop its potentials and at the same it plays an important role in ensuring comfortable living and connecting people.

Ensuring integrated mobility with good functioning public passenger traffic and the development of high-quality and safe infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists was already back then the common goal as it offers numerous benefits for citizens and visitors to the region as well as companies, the society and the environment. Space is increasingly valuable and its use must be as prudent as possible. Numerous activities and projects, for instance, the introduction of new bus connections with suburban municipalities, the network of P+R centres, cycling connections between municipalities and sustainable measures of the City of Ljubljana (closing the city centre and part of the Slovenska Street for personal traffic, free-of-charge transport with the Kavalir electric vehicles, the Bicikelj bicycle rental system, the introduction of yellow lanes for buses, the unified card Urbana…) have been for many years directed towards protecting the natural resources of the region, increasing competitiveness and ensuring a healthier environment of higher quality.

The preparation of the strategic document Comprehensive Transport Strategy of the Ljubljana Urban Region was therefore a logical step which reconnected all 26 municipalities of the Ljubljana Urban Region in their joint commitment for sustainable development of the region. The document defines concreate projects for the promotion and enabling sustainable mobility and at the same it is a key expert basis for a regional special plan and a foundation for finding resources for its implementation.