Consortium meeting of afe-innovnet project partners
The 1st consortium meeting of the AFE-INNOVNET project partners was held in Brussels on 20 and 21 May 2014. The good practices of the City of Ljubljana in the field of age-friendly environment were presented at the meeting.
Health and Social Care Department of the City of Ljubljana is joining forces with 28 partners from 16 Member States of the European Union in the AFE-INNOVNET thematic network on innovation for age-friendly environments.
The project, its objectives and tasks of individual partners were presented at the first consortium meeting of thematic network partners, held in Brussels on 21 and 22 May 2014. The main aim of the project is to stimulate the local and regional authorities as well as other stakeholders (industries, research centres, universities, non-governmental organisations) to link up, share each other’s experience and work together to promote initiatives on age-friendly environments across Europe.
The consortium meetings also give an opportunity for cities and regions to present their activities and actions conducted for the elderly and also to exchange examples of good practice. Project partners see the City of Ljubljana as an example of good practice. Already at the 1st meeting the city was granted a rather lengthy time for its thorough presentation and the screening of the film about Ljubljana.
The details on the project are available on the following link.