Days of prague in ljubljana
Ljubljana hosted the Days of Prague in Ljubljana from 22 May to 1 June 2014, in the scope of which Vaclav Novotny, Deputy Mayor of Prague visited the Slovenian capital.
Zoran Janković, Mayor of Ljubljana gave the Deputy Mayor a warm reception in the City Hall on 22 May 2014. Afterwards they jointly opened the exhibition Prague Functionalism/Tradition and Contemporary Echoes in the Historical Atrium at the City Hall.
The basic idea of exhibition was to present the golden fund from the history of Czech and Prague architecture and contemporary production influenced by the functionalistic archetype. Visitors will have the chance to see the most famous modern buildings in Prague from the interwar period – the Villa Müller by Adolf Loos, the masterpiece of Czech Functionalism – the building of the group of creative artists – Manes Otakar Novotny, the Catholic church of St. Vaclav by Josef Gočar, the colony of villas “Na Babĕ” and other impressive projects and buildings in Prague Functionalism style.
Please, find attached the Days of Prague in Ljubljana programme.