Emona archaeological park
The City of Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana School Centre, Ljubljana Ursuline Convent and the Slovene Export and Development Bank SID banka, d.d., Ljubljana have signed a letter of intent to participate in the management of Emona Archaeological Park.
As part of the Emona 2000 project, marking the 2000th anniversary of the existence of Roman Ljubljana, which we are to celebrate in 2014, last year Ljubljana was given three renovated archaeological parks: the Roman Wall, Emona House and the Early Christian Centre. The capital also boasts a modern in situ presentation of cultural heritage in the form of the ‘EMONA circular path - around Roman Ljubljana’, providing a direct encounter with the ancient heritage of Ljubljana in the very city centre.
Ljubljana has particularly rich archaeological heritage and continuous settlement from prehistoric times to the present day. The Emona period occupies a special place in the settlement’s history. Regarding the state of the archaeological parks and other finds that are scattered and unconnected around the city, the City of Ljubljana’s Culture Department spent several years exploring options for their revitalisation. In 2011 the Department acquired European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding (the ‘Strengthening Regional Development Potentials’ Operational Programme for the period 2007-2013) and began management of a project to revitalise the archaeological parks, the general aims of which were to remodel spaces for an archaeological display of Emona, the conservation and revitalisation of the parks, the sustainable and comprehensive preservation of cultural heritage and its linkage with modern life as well as revival of monuments with programmes for different target groups.
The signing of the letter of intent to the management of the archaeological parks – this is Ljubljana City Museum and Galleries – enables further high-quality and efficient management of the parks and the attainment of the above objectives.
The letter of intent was signed by Mayor Zoran Janković, Rector of the University of Ljubljana Prof Dr Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik, Director of Cankarjev dom Mitja Rotovnik, Director of Ljubljana School Centre Nives Počkar, Deputy Head of Ljubljana Ursuline Convent Sister Karmen, President and Member of the Management Board of SID banka, d.d., Ljubljana, Sibil Svilan MSc and Member of the Management Board of SID banka Jožef Bradeško.