Tuesday, 16. 3. 2021

Entering into spring with over 120 new trees

We are planting several trees at various locations in Ljubljana this month, and in the days around the International Women's Day we also received messages from citizens thanking us for "the most beautiful gift for 8 March".

New oak avenue

At the initiative of citizens, we planted 30 oaks in a tree-lined avenue along the street Clevelandska cesta on 8 March. In the spirit of increasing biodiversity, we have alternately planted the Turkey oak (Quercus cerris) and the Hungarian oak (Quercus frainetto). Due to their position, the trees will provide shade on the bicycle lane and the sidewalk and dampen noise from the nearby expressway.

As many as 122 new trees

We have already planted 7 trees in the park Bloudkov park, and soon we will plant another 15 on the street Brdnikova cesta (on the section at the street Pot za Brdom), 10 trees along the newly designed path next to the dog park in Koseze and another 60 trees in 16 locations around the city to replace trees, which we have had to remove in the past for various justifiable reasons. With spring coming soon, we will plant a total of 122 trees of different species, including oak, lime, beech, maple and hornbeam, hazel, willow, birch and ash.

In addition to the planned trees, 10 more at Brdo

The planting of trees along the streets Pot rdečega križa and Pot za Brdom was announced already in autumn, but we waited for the soil in the planting pits to settle. In these areas, instead of 137 planned trees, we planted as many as 147 trees.

In the City of Ljubljana, we are aware of the immense significance of city trees, which are an important part of the environment, as they bring many ecological, health and social benefits. That is why we strive to preserve every tree in the city and are constantly planting new ones.