Janez levec and city of ljubljana education centre
New modern facilities of the Janez Levec and City of Ljubljana Education Centre were opened on 11 September 2014 at the Poljane Elementary School.
The Janez Levec and City of Ljubljana Education Centre is intended as a support mechanism for guidance and education of special needs children in day-care centres and schools in the City of Ljubljana. Its activity is unique in this part of Europe.
The Centre, founded in September 2013, has opened up new modern and equipped facilities at Zemljemerska 7 to enable full programme and to simultaneously enforce the comprehensive field of guidance and education of special needs children and cooperation with their parents.
The Centre activity is based on 5 programmes:
- professional training programme of special and social pedagogues form day-care centres and schools in the City of Ljubljana,
- individual consultation programme (for the needs of female participants of the professional training),
- telephone and e-consulting for educators, teachers and families,
- programme of lectures and seminars for educators, teachers and families,
- school for parents/families programme.
The Education Centre module was developed by Marija Fabčič, Head of the Pre-School Learning and Education Department, Dr Branka D. Jurišić, special pedagogue, and Dr Matej Rovšek, principle of The Special Education Centre Janez Levec.