Kinotrip for the Youth
The cinema Kinodvor presents a new youth film programme – Kinotrip (Cinematrip), ensuring a high quality film and educational programme for the young people and at the same time giving them the opportunity to actively co-create the said programme.
Since November a film club of 22 young people, aged from 13 to 19 years, is preparing the film festival for the young audience at weekly meetings. The club is selecting films and creating the accompanying programme with guest from far and near, discussions, workshops, get-togethers and parties. They have also actively contributed to the creation of the name of the programme and its visual image, and they are also going to be responsible for the execution of all festival events.
So, the Kinotrip programme is our first film festival prepared and carried out for the youth by the youth. Ever since its beginnings Kinodvor has been paying particular attention to the young audience. Since 2008 it is painstakingly preparing the programme Kinobalon (Cinemabaloon) for the youngest audience. A film programme for educational institutions is also regularly implemented.
The novelty of the Kinotrip programme is that the young people are actively included in the conceptualisation and execution of activities. The key point of departure of the programme is that the youth represents a special focus group marked by the process of acquiring independence, searching for and creating one’s own identity and forming peer groups. For this reason it is essential that young people can co-create film and educational free time activities intended for them because these have to take into account their needs, interests and specific pastimes.