Thursday, 21. 3. 2019

Ljubljana, smart city: VR/AR laboratory in the Technological Park

On 21 March 2019, the Technological Park Ljubljana organised the first Slovenian conference LOOK AROUND 360 devoted to VR/AR future technologies and opened the doors of a new laboratory for all virtual and enriched reality enthusiasts in Slovenia.

Global technology analysts estimate that in the near future virtual and enriched reality will take on the same role webpages currently have for companies. Solutions in this area are already generating an annual turnover of billions of euro, and by 2020 the industry is projected to accumulate over 120 billion euro.

The VR/AR laboratory

The laboratory is a hub for Slovenian VR/AR technologies bringing together all key stakeholders from faculties, research organizations and companies to individual enthusiasts working on developing the technology.

Companies and individuals can develop their ideas in the laboratory and test products in the field of virtual and enriched reality. In addition to having access to the necessary infrastructure and equipment, mentorship of renowned experts will also be available.

The VR/AR conference

The conference highlighted some important questions about the future and challenges of open innovation as well as the use of VA/AR technologies in Slovenia and the world. It introduced the current VR/AR scene, brought together stakeholders in the Slovenian VR/AR ecosystem and presented cases of good practices of open innovation, digital transformation and transfer of VR/AR ideas into enterprises and industries.

Taking part in panels, workshops and round tables were the biggest experts in the field of virtual and enriched reality in Slovenia.