Friday, 17. 7. 2020

New veterinary clinic for even better animal care

At the Abandoned Animal Shelter Ljubljana (Zavetišče za zapuščene živali Ljubljana) we have opened a new veterinary clinic and at the same time presented new spaces for pedagogical activities we have set up in two refurbished LPP city buses.

The project is designed to provide animals with even better care and support, and at the same time, with the deliberate positioning of buildings with the aim of separating clean and unclean paths, to ensure the highest level of safety for all.

Even better animal care

The new veterinary clinic at the Abandoned Animal Shelter Ljubljana is more user-friendly for animals and visitors, the working conditions are much better and it is fully integrated with the new buildings for animals. The layout of the premises is maximally flexible so it can adapt to seasonal needs, that is, to a higher admission of animals. There are separate isolators enabling safer treatment of infected animals. The clinic is outfitted with all the necessary equipment in line with the contemporary standards (digital X-ray, ultrasound machine, a laboratory with a secure space for processing samples). Two surgery rooms with state-of-the-art equipment will make it possible to perform more demanding surgical procedures. And so, the new clinic, in addition to the new and improved living conditions for animals and increased capacities built in the first phase of the project, completes the comprehensive care of abandoned animals in line with the contemporary professional standards.

Two decommissioned buses with a new purpose

At the opening of the new veterinary clinic at the Abandoned Animal Shelter Ljubljana we also presented new spaces for pedagogical activities by joining forces with our colleagues from the public company LPP.

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In two decommissioned and refurbished buses we have set up classrooms for children who will by participating in educational programmes at the shelter, spending their time there during vacations or celebrating birthdays learn about the work and the mission of shelters for abandoned animals and develop the sense of responsible animal ownership.

Peter Horvat, the director of LPP d. o. o., highlighted: »At LPP we support good ideas and activities in line with the principles of circular economy, therefore we were happy to present the Gmajnice shelter with two decommissioned buses which will provide promising children with a pleasant space for education and socialising.«