Presentation of the partial conclusions of the CPC+ project
On 10 May 2016, at the conclusion of the Upgraded Comprehensive Patient Care (CPC+) project a presentation of partial conclusions was held at the City Hall for decision makers in the field of healthcare in Slovenia.
Since March 2015, the Ljubljana Healthcare Centre has been implementing the Upgraded Comprehensive Patient Care (CPC+) project with the main aim of decreasing or preventing lifestyle related diseases. The CPC+ project is funded under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 within the framework of the Public Health Initiative in the field: Prevention of lifestyle related diseases.
The project has proven to be immensely positive as it has demonstrated that family treatment of obesity as part of preventive and clinical treatment is practicable and successful at a family medicine clinic.
It has also shown that the inclusion of a community nurse in a reference clinic team is justified and useful due to preventive measures and treatment of chronic patients in the field, that is, in their home environment when not otherwise possible. The community nurses have visited 2000 patients in the field who for whatever reasons could not go to the family medicine clinic and used questionnaires to check 57 parameters of their health status. One of them was the MUST questionnaire for nutrition risk assessment, the first time in use in Slovenia.
CPC+ has demonstrated the significance of high-quality preventive and practice-oriented training for community nurses, family medicine specialists and teams in family medicine reference clinics. Namely, over 14 training modules were carried out, all developed in conformity with strict quality standards and evaluated by the participants and the DNV.
People whose health is threatened because of their unhealthy lifestyle learned about the possible disease outcomes at the Simulation Centre (SIM), as it very clearly demonstrates to each endangered person the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, such as weight increase, heavy breathing, diabetic vision issues, and by doing so promotes a healthy lifestyle.
Of major importance is also the connective aspect of the project which demonstrated that progress can be achieved with the co-operation of different experts and joint development of new approaches based on high-quality training and continuous monitoring of results.
In its contents the CPC+ project is an upgrade of the work performed by reference clinics for family medicine in the sense it is utilizing community nurses to ensure medical care, which is otherwise provided in reference clinics for family medicine, also for those patients who cannot visit their doctor on their own. In addition, the project was oriented into educating patients about risk factors by using simulations in the SIM centre in order to raise awareness about the significance of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of chronic diseases and family treatment of obesity. The project was complemented by relevant education and procedure monitoring in conformity with quality standards.
The project involved following partners:
- Ljubljana Healthcare Centre as the CPC+ project developer with the main aim of including community nurses, educating patients about risk factors by using simulations in the SIM centre and family treatment of obesity.
- DNV GL with the main role of quality assurance in all project stages.
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, with the main responsibility of training family medicine specialists.
- The City of Ljubljana as the partner responsible for informing the public about the project and its contents.
- Chamber of Medical and Midwifery Care of Slovenia – Association of Professional Associations of Nurses, Midwives and Health Technicians, Slovenia – its role was co-operation in the formation of the CPC+ model and the implementation of the community nurses training.
- Prava poteza Institute which, with its project experiences and expertise, ensured smooth operation, monitoring and support in the implementation of the project.