Prize for european mobility week 2012
Ljubljana was placed among the ten semi-finalists in a competition for the best-implemented European Mobility Week projects 2012.
Through numerous activities and measures to encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport, the City of Ljubljana is striving to raise the quality of life in the city. These efforts by the City are strengthened annually as part of European Mobility Week and the Car-Free Day, when a campaign is run to raise awareness about people- and environmentally-friendly forms of mobility.
Ljubljana has been a part of the European Mobility Week (EMW) campaign for the last 11 years, and under its umbrella last year we organised whole-week awareness-raising and promotional activities as well as single-day events. These were mainly run in the open air (mostly in pedestrian areas, renovated squares and riverside embankments) as workshops, lectures, exhibitions, cycling trips, educational games and sightseeing visits. The 'Car-free Day', which is an element of EMW, we in Ljubljana broadened into a full week for the second year running, so that part of Slovenska cesta was closed to all vehicles except public transport throughout EMW. This resulted in pedestrians, cyclists and public transport being given more space.
As part of EMW, last year the City of Ljubljana presented two sustainable measures. As part of the CIVITAS ELAN project, the Mobile Ljubljana brochure was published, while Ljubljana Passenger Transport introduced a new service on city buses – phone calls for transport by people with disabilities.
The award ceremony to the cities that best-implemented EMW 2012 was held in Brussels and 6 March 2013, where European Commissioner for the Environment Janez Potočnik emphasised that co-operation with individuals is key. “If we all take a small step, together we make a giant leap forward”. He also gave a preview of this year's EMW, the theme of which is to be 'Clean air – it's your move!' The central question then will be what each and every one of us can do for cleaner air.
The prize for the best-implemented EMW project was won by Zagreb, and on this occasion they also bestowed a prize, which was won by Aberdeen, for the most-sustainable urban mobility plan as part of the 'Do the right mix' campaign.