Project eol, public call to promoters
The City of Ljubljana published (announced) a public call to promoters to submit an Expression of Interest in operating a public-private partnership project of the energy retrofit and the energy management services in public buildings of the City of Ljubljana in line with the principles of the energy saving contracting for the first group of public buildings, which includes schools, kindergartens and city theatre.
The public call is the first step of public private partnership in line with the contract with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for Technical Assistance ELENA to support a large investment programme in the public buildings of the City of Ljubljana (Energy Retrofit of Ljubljana – project EOL), which is expected to be mainly implemented by Energy Service Companies (ESCOs). The aim of the City of Ljubljana is to reduce the costs (energy and maintenance costs) in public buildings. The subject-matter of the call is seeking for promoters (i.e. potential private partners), able to execute and finance public-private partnership and implement energy efficiency measures in order to provide as high as possible cost savings to the public partner.