Tuesday, 15. 9. 2015

Renovated Parking Area P+R Dolgi most

On 15 September 2015, the City of Ljubljana opened the expanded and renovated parking area P+R Dolgi most which now has 371 parking spaces.

The construction works started on 20 May and concluded within the deadline. The project was partially financed from the European Union Cohesion Fund, namely within the framework of the Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development 2007–2013, second development priority “Road and Maritime Infrastructure – public passenger transport”. The value of the investment in the renovation and expansion of P+R Dolgi most was 857,042.00 EUR with VAT, co-financed from the European Cohesion Fund in the amount of 83 percent of the value, that is, 520,000.00 EUR, the remaining funds were provided from the budget of the City of Ljubljana. The renovation and expansion works were carried out by the company Komunalne gradnje d. o. o.

Novelties at the parking area P+R Dolgi most

The renovated parking area P+R Dolgi most offers 371 parking spaces to its users. Families with small children can park on specially marked spaces for young families enabling safe and comfortable transfer from private vehicles to public passenger transport. In addition to these 11 parking spaces there are also 11 spaces suitable for people with disabilities. Users of electric cars will no longer experience difficulties in connection to charging their vehicles with electrical energy as the renovated parking area has 3 charging stations available for simultaneous charging of 6 electric vehicles. P+R Dolgi most will also stop tourist buses on the outskirts of the city as it has 11 parking spaces dedicated for buses. There are also 11 spaces set up for caravans equipped with a sanitary and charging station. The parking area has 16 sheltered bicycle racks and 20 bicycle stands are planned for bicycles within the rental system Bicike(LJ).
To make the transfer to the public passenger transport system easier for all users an additional Urbanomat was set up where drivers can pay the parking fee, which is 1.20 EUR per day and includes two tickets for the city bus valid until midnight on the day of payment.
The look of the renovated parking lot is complemented by the newly planted trees which will in future provide shade for the parked vehicles.

The course of construction works

The parking area P+R Dolgi most is fully occupied therefore the operators had to accordingly adapt the course of construction works. Namely, they stared the construction at the end of the school year but part of the parking area had to be left open until the beginning of summer vacations when the number of daily migrants coming to Ljubljana because of work or other errands somewhat decreases.
The renovation and expansion project of the existing parking area encompassed the replacement of the old rainwater system, water distribution system and public lighting, laying of new asphalt and building foundations for benches, Urbanomats, bicycle stands and an additional bus stop shelter.

P+R System

Dolgi most is the oldest parking area in the P+R system (Park and Ride) in Ljubljana. The idea behind it is to enable users to drive their cars to certain prominent areas on the outskirts of a city, that is, on main access routes to the city and continue their journey into the city with public transport. The criteria for successful operation of such parking areas are good connectivity with the public transport which is set up in the immediate vicinity and the simplicity of use. Namely, it has to enable quick and easy transfer from private vehicles to public transport which takes users to their final destinations. The renovated and expanded parking area P+R Dolgi most fulfils all these criteria.