Sunday, 15. 6. 2014

Ukrep 2014, festival of dance perspectives

The Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL) is hosting UKREP (Taking Measures) 2014, Festival of Dance Perspectives between 15 and 17 June 2014 with more than 22 events and fifty artists.

The first edition of UKREP, Festival of Dance Perspectives, took place in PTL in May 2008. The Festival was initiated by a critic and publicist, Rok Vevar, and a dancer and choreographer, Sinja Ožbolt, due to an assessment there is a new generation of contemporary dance artists in Slovenia and they should be guaranteed visibility and recognisability in public.

The UKREP is in a form of a festival, but it is more than just a compilation of performances. The Festival is a biennial, meaning the odd year is occupied by the Med-Ukrep (Inbetween Measures), a co-festival programme that deals with similar topic as the UKREP Festival – developmental strategies of contemporary dance in Slovenia (in relation to other regions), and acts in topical areas of education, production, promotion and other lacks in the contemporary dance scene. The Med-Ukrep result presentation holds a special place at the UKREP Festival.

The Festival of Dance Perspectives enters the dance space as a cultural and artistic initiative to be recognised as one in the area and perhaps get infected by its action.

The PTL programme is co-financed by the City of Ljubljana.