Tuesday, 10. 9. 2019

Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana opens Call for Abstracts

The next edition of Velo-city Conference Series, co-organised by the City of Ljubljana and the European Cyclists’ Federation, will take place in Ljubljana on 2-5 June 2020.
Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana is pleased to open the Call for Abstracts and invite experts from around the world to share their work, knowledge, experience and insights with a global audience, to reflect our conference theme 'Smart Cycling Inclusion'.

Today, Ljubljana has become one of the best examples of a city that ventured to close its city centre to cars, dedicating the area to active mobility and creating a great functional and clean shared space for citizens and visitors. Ljubljana’s city centre is all about reclaiming public space for people and creating the environment for not only cycling and walking but also for providing safe access for all, including children, women, the elderly and people with disabilities. It is only natural that people are in the centre of our discussion and consequently inclusion, social and technological tools, connectivity, public space, timely policy and regulation are the main themes of Velo-city 2020, Ljubljana.

Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana will look into different insights on how to create smart, inclusive and cycling friendly environments. The conference programme will tackle different areas of public space, social innovation and technology through the prism of policy and regulations. Furthermore, the three themes will bring discussions about the regulatory frameworks in place in different countries and will question if they are effective and in line with the necessary measures for sustainable development at present times. Bringing the discussion to the urban realm and the need for designing and allocating space for the mobility of the future, Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana will showcase what is needed to achieve Smart Cycling Inclusion in our cities, communities and mobility systems and prepare them for tomorrow.

Conference themes:

  1. Social Innovation & Tech - can smart be inclusive, can technology be socially innovative, can social innovation be technological?
  2. Sharing Public Space & Connecting People – how do you share space in your city, with whom, how, how do you connect urban to rural, how inclusive are these connections?
  3. Policy of the Future – what role for policy in inclusion, sharing space, and technology?

We are looking for submissions that show original research, project results, ideas, campaigns, and more. Share your ideas and stories and join us at Velo-city 2020.

Submit your abstract by Saturday 9th November 2019 by visiting our website for all instructions & details: www.velo-city2020.com
Don't forget to share this Call for Abstracts with your network!

About Velo-city

The Velo-city conference series is annual global cycling summit, organized by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and selected host cities. Velo-city conferences serve as a global communications and information platform and target to influence decision makers, and improve the planning and provision of infrastructure for the daily use of the bicycle in an urban environment. The conferences traditionally involve experts, representatives of associations, institutions, policy-makers and social agents, universities and companies.

About the European Cyclists' Federation

With over 80 members across more than 40 countries, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) unites cyclists’ associations from across the globe, giving them a voice on the international level. Our aim is to get more people cycling more often by influencing policy in favor of cycling.

ecf.com @EuCyclistsFed