World Autism Awareness Day
City of Ljubljana joined the international initiative Light it up Blue again this year and highlighted Ljubljana castle blue on the World Autism Awareness Day.
In 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2 April as a World Autism Awareness Day by resolution.
Marking the World Autism Awareness Day and with the Light It up Blue campaign, we would like to raise awareness on autism and spread information of the importance of early diagnosis and early intervention.
The City of Ljubljana joined the international initiative from the start, and highlighted Ljubljana castle blue on Saturday, 2 April 2016.
The City of Ljubljana stimulates various programmes and activities of all institutions that work with children.
In Ljubljana, higher quality of treatment of children with special needs is achieved by:
• Counselling Centre for Children, Adolescents and Parents, which helps children, adolescents and parents with learning, emotional, educational, behavioural, psychosocial and psychiatric disabilities and problems.
• Organizing a mobile service of special teachers for kindergartens – enabling them to buy special didactic tools as well.
• Training and Education Centre Janez Levec Ljubljana, which is an elementary school with adjusted programme for children with special needs with their own mobile service of special teachers who offer additional expert counselling for children in 35 other elementary schools in Ljubljana.
• Education Centre MOL and Janez Levec Centre (Education Centre PIKA), which provide additional trainings and education of teachers for supporting children with special needs in Ljubljana kindergartens and schools.
Under the head dr. Branka D. Jurišić, the Education Centre PIKA has published two books this year, i.e. Jure's Year – Asperger syndrome in images, stories and expert texts (authors Alenka Klemenc, Branka D. Jurišić and Katarina Kompan Erzar) and Children with Autism – Manual for teachers and parents (author Branka D. Jurišić).