Transfer of the City of Ljubljana good practice to EU cities

Development of the transferability study in phase 1

Key aims of the first phase of the project were enlarging the partnership, developing the transferability study of Ljubljana’s good practice and applying for the second phase of the project.

City of Ljubljana, City of Cesena and Bydgoszcz were joined in the partnership by the City of Amarante, Hegyvidék – XII district, Budapest and City of Nea Propontida. All partner cities formed local groups comprised of key local interested parties; they identified their advantages, drawbacks and capabilities with the intention of transferring the good practice BeePath.

A detailed description of the good practice was developed as well as a city context of the good practice, a partner profile as well as an assessment of transferability for each of the five cities.

This important analysis of starting point data together with a transnational exchange and an educational approach and methodology is united in the transferability study BeePathNet which has become a key document of the Bee Path Network.

Implementation of the transfer of the good practice in the 2nd phase 

Because of the complexity of the BEE PATH, we divided the good practice example into segments or modules which will ensure a more structured and simple transfer into partner cities. We created obligatory modules which are essential for the good practice transfer as well as visions and voluntary modules with which we transfer content in line with specific needs and interests of each city. Because Ljubljana sees the good practice transfer as an opportunity for further improvement we have added upgrade modules.

Module transfer will be supported with all project activities:
• Operationalisation of working groups and development of action plans on urban beekeeping in each partner city;
• Ljubljana BEE PATH good practice study tour with training for Transfer city ULG members;
• Transfer-city Case-study and topic devoted partnership meetings on the maintenance of biodiversity in urban areas, BeePathNet educational packages, awareness raising, development of “bee paths”, and development of new bee products;
• Development of a set of thematic guidebooks, newsletters and project booklet in order to transfer knowledge to stakeholders within the partnership and beyond;
• Distribution and promotion of project outputs, partners good practice, and achievements, etc, through various media;
• Organisation of the celebration of World Bee Day (20th May) in all six partner cities in 2020, under the BeePathNet umbrella, as well as several other national events;
• BeePathNet final conference.