Sustainable Urban Strategy

Sustainable Urban Strategy of the City of Ljubljana (COL SUS)

In 2016, we adopted the document representing the joint urban platform of sectoral development programmes, policies and plans of COL for sustainable development of the city. Above all, it is the strategic basis for medium- and longterm development of Ljubljana. It furthermore includes the implementation of the new urban policy of the European Union and the utilisation of European funds dedicated to urban development, which is implemented through the mechanism of Integrated Territorial Investments – ITI in the Republic of Slovenia. In the COL SUS and the Implementation plan of COL SUS (2017), key projects for the entire programme period are defined. With these, we will apply for EU funding within the set goals of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014–2020. Priority projects are projects that are the most important for the city and meet the conditions for implementation in the 2014–2020 programme period.

The largest of the 46 priority projects in COL SUS IP are: the renovation and construction of cycling infrastructure (total estimated value EUR 8 million euros), Cukrarna Gallery (total estimated value EUR 23.2 million euros), and energy rehabilitation of buildings owned by COL (total estimated value EUR 32.3 million euros).