Carlos Moreno

Internationally renowned researcher Carlos Moreno is the scientific director of the ETI chair "Innovations in the field of entrepreneurship" (a research laboratory at the IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne University).

Carlos Moreno has gained international recognition as a scientist with an innovative mind, pioneering work and a unique approach to urban issues. He is also a scientific advisor to the most prominent national and international figures.
In his research, he deals with issues of international importance that bring an innovative perspective on urban planning issues and offer solutions to the problems faced by cities, metropolises and regions in the 21st century.
Some of his concepts such as "humane smart city", "15-minute city", "30-minute zone" have gone around the world.
In 2022, at the World Urban Forum, together with UN-Habitat, C40 Cities, UCLG and other partners, he led the establishment of the Global Proximity Observatory.